As we all know, 2020 was a tumultuous year for the world, as well as businesses. The pandemic forced executives and owners to rethink the way they do business, and this year will be largely centered on regaining the momentum that was almost brought to a halt. Companies will have to take certain measures and apply new methods to reestablish their stronghold.

Due to the social distancing guidelines that were enforced, companies had to resort to remote work and allowing their employees to work from anywhere. This also included most of the IT personnel and brought about the transition to cloud computing for most businesses as well.

Speaking of measures and methods, here are some of the IT project management trends and insights that will be followed in 2021.


Generally, in the past decade, there has been a paradigm shift in recruitment, from hiring people with degrees and few skills to people with no degrees and excellent skills. Some of the largest companies in the world have shunned their degree requirements for hiring candidates, and the gap in the skilled workforce has been filled by people who pursue micro-certifications.

Micro-certifications are a new approach to learning where students focus on a specific skill set without having to learn dozens of subjects that don’t directly relate to the skill. Due to the micro-certifications in IT Project Management, many unemployed people have been able to join the workforce and make a decent living.

A 2019 study shows that 9% of the people enrolled in online certifications on online platforms such as Coursera or edX had only completed high school, while 14% had attended some college (Hollands, and Kazi). In 2021, this figure will increase greatly as more and more people are looking to join the workforce.

Cryptocurrency for Micro-learning

Micro-learning refers to lessons that are under 10 minutes in length and are conducted in a virtual environment. They are known to enhance a student’s learning and capabilities regarding the topic. Not only does it increase the learning speed, but it also allows you to learn from anywhere and from any device.

The latest trend in IT project management is using cryptocurrency, mainly blockchain, to create a decentralized micro-learning platform that can be used to train and teach employees new skills over the cloud, which is in accordance with the remote work trend that companies have transitioned to.

According to a global micro-learning forecast, the market for this trend is expected to grow to USD 2.7 billion in the next four years (Wood).


Blockchain is usually always linked to cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin. It consists of a distributed ledger that provides a high level of security, which makes it suitable for more than financial transactions, such as data sharing and transfer, job management, and much more. Since remote work has become a norm now, a secure and rapid technology like blockchain is the need of the hour.

Through blockchain, the sharing of data can be performed at much higher speeds than before, and since it uses a system of blocks to encode any data, it enhances data security and also makes it more difficult for intruders to break through your system.

Hybrid Methodology

Project management methodologies have always been subject to change and innovation, and companies are adapting to agile methods to optimize their workflow. However, they are now adapting to hybrid methodologies that combine agile methods and traditional approaches, such as the Waterfall approach.

Not only does it ensure a more flexible and streamlined workflow, but it also increases productivity. According to Pulse of the Profession 2019 released by Project Management Institute, more than 80% of teams that were surveyed stated that they are using hybrid methodologies, while many others will adapt to the new workplace dynamics this year (“The Future Of Work”).

Thanks to the rising trend of hybrid methodology, companies can do away with the uncertainty and also take on projects that are more advanced and complex.

Use of Software and Tools

In today’s world, businesses are completely managed and operated with the help of software and tools, which are specially designed to automate manual processes and also make business decisions with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These tools use predictive analytics, which helps project managers decrease the time taken to complete projects.

One of the most common project management tools is collaboration software, such as Slack, Monday, or Trello. Although these platforms have been in use for a few years, they have made it much easier for companies to introduce a remote work environment, where employees can be located anywhere in the world and still report to their managers, meet deadlines, give presentations, and do much more than they did by sitting in the office nine hours a day.

These platforms offer functionality beyond messaging and file-sharing. Now you can stay connected with your team through video calling, screen sharing, project boards, and much more.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing and storage have been around for a few years, but companies kept putting off the migration to cloud servers, mainly because of a lack of understanding and the lack of transparency in the costs involved. Now, executives have become more aware of the benefits and applications of cloud computing.

Due to the shift from physical work to remote work, companies were also inclined to make the switch to cloud servers, so that their data is present on the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere in the world on any device. It also enabled project managers to make changes in important documents that were reflected to other team members in real-time.

One of the greatest benefits that the employees received from companies in 2020 was the ability to work from anywhere, a concept which many business leaders frowned upon up until last year. According to remote work statistics, the number of people who work from home has almost increased threefold. Moreover, it has also brought about a rise in employee happiness and satisfaction (Simovic).

Key Takeaway

These are some of the IT project management trends and insights that are here to stay in the coming years. To ensure that they stay in the competition, companies will have to adapt to these trends and make rapid measures that help them transition to the new “virtual” workplace.

At PM Imperative, we cover the latest trends in Project Management and Product Management. As PM practitioners, we understand the value the Project Managers and Product Managers bring to each organization and that’s why we focus on the most practical strategies that Project and Product Managers can implement immediately. If you found this post useful, be sure to check out our latest book: The PM Imperative – Guide for Leading & Managing Projects, People & Delivering Value.


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