Many companies had no choice but to allow most of their workforce to work from home following the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdown efforts that went into effect worldwide. This sudden workplace shift resulted in many people now working remotely for the very first time in their lives, which could lead to a drop-off in productivity, especially for Project Managers who are used to coordinating tasks and activities across multiple teams that were collocated.  In this article, we will talk about some of the tips that can help you avoid distractions as a Project Manager and become more productive while working remotely in distributed teams.

It is easy to get distracted while working from home because your boss may not be in the same building as you and you may feel like you have more time to get your work completed. Distractions may come in the form of activities such as:

  • watching TV during work hours
  • being on your phone checking social media
  • taking longer lunch breaks
  • running non-work-related errands

Benefits of Avoiding Distractions

During the pandemic, Project Managers have had to deal with missed deliverables and milestones due to task slippage because of teammates delaying on completing their assignments, or even the Project Managers themselves sometimes finding themselves slacking. Studies have shown that avoiding distractions leads to:

  1. Longer attention spans that can increase your concentration thereby improving work performance
  2. Decreased stress levels because of not having to worry about missed deliverables that were avoidable
  3. Improved memory retention because our brains function better with less distraction because more things will end up being stored in the brain’s long-term memory

How to Avoid Distractions

Here are a few tips that can help Project Managers avoid distractions:

  1. Check emails less frequently: Only check and reply to those that absolutely need your immediate attention
  2. Block off your calendar: Send out meeting invites to yourself for dedicated time to work on specific tasks, and use this as your to-do list
  3. Work in time blocks: Have a set time to finish your tasks during a given timeframe, e.g., 15-minute blocks or 30-minute blocks
  4. Take short breaks: Stretch or go for a short 10-minute walk to clear your mind
  5. Check your social media less frequently: Limit time on your phone to only while taking a break from work and restrict how much time you spend on social media during work hours
  6. Move to a quiet room: Work from a quiet environment that is away from noise
  7. Turn camera on for virtual meetings: Be on camera during team meetings and actively participate in what is being discussed, and ask your teammates to also have their cameras turned on

At PM Imperative, we cover the latest trends in Project Management and Product Management. As PM practitioners, we understand the value the Project Managers and Product Managers bring to each organization and that’s why we focus on the most practical strategies that Project and Product Managers can implement immediately. If you found this post useful, be sure to check out our latest book: The PM Imperative – Guide for Leading & Managing Projects, People & Delivering Value.


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